The Bible’s Core Message for Everyone

Faith Builders

This course for adults of all ages covers the key concepts found in the Bible (sin, grace, faith, works) and how God delivers to us his incredible gifts. There is a heavy concentration on the good news about Jesus Christ. This class may serve as a path to membership for those who wish to join Faith, or as a refresher course for current members of the congregation. Contact Pastor Schultz if you would like to sign up for the next session by clicking the Enroll button below.

Special Needs Ministry

Jesus Cares

Bible Lessons, crafts, games, and music are included as we share the good news about Jesus with all who need to hear it. If you would like to register a student or receive more information click the button below.

Jesus Cares meets the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”

Sunday School

We want to provide age-appropriate instruction for all children at Faith. Sunday School classes for Kindergarten through 12th grade are held each Sunday at 9am. The lessons feature the narrative history of how God promised and sent his Son to be our Redeemer. Your children are welcome to attend. Click the button below to register.

Young People Learning for Life

Confirmation Class

Seventh and Eighth Graders are invited to spend extensive time with the pastor learning the basic truths of God’s Word as presented in Luther’s Small Catechism. The two year course meets weekly during the academic year and results in adult communicant membership in the congregation.

The gospel of Jesus is heard and seen in the ministries at Faith Lutheran Church.


We make personal connections when we meet and study together.


Our purpose is always to grow in our knowledge of and faith in Jesus.


All our ministries aim to improve our outlook through the message about Christ.